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Twenty-First Century 170: January 23, 2024 [listen]

Downward Uptake: An Oscillatory List

Basis whereabouts

Natural acquisition
Forces at play
Underlie scheme
Dynamic linkages
Thought processes
Logic functions
Mechanized properties
Industrial complex
Trade goods/services
Digital tech complex
Tool retool
Feasible coherence
Trajectory sequence
Impact chronology
Accustomed results
Schematic capable
Proficiency finesse
Duress compatible
Imperative sketched
Settings fleshed out
Version refinements

Stasis wherewithal

21st Century Archive | EatIngredients Archive
17001/23/25 Downward Uptake: An Oscillatory Listread | listen
16912/01/24 The Entity Extrapolatesread | listen
16810/22/24 The Estranged Electionread | listen
16709/08/24 Edging the Environmentread | listen
16608/07/24 Clued Inclinationsread | listen
16507/14/24 Appearance Packageread | listen
16404/18/24 Landscape Orientationread | listen
16303/27/24 The Age of Enrichmentread | listen
16202/15/24 A Trailing Statementread | listen
16101/04/24 The Inhabited Excavatedread | listen
16012/14/23 A Promotional Vehicleread | listen
15911/12/23 The Evenfallread | listen
15808/31/23A Stream of MetaVerseread | listen
15706/29/23An Exhaustive Haze / Brain Fog / Parking Spaceread | listen
15605/04/23The Other Therenessread | listen
15503/23/23The Setback read | listen
15402/23/23The Jawn read | listen
15301/19/23Uproar Upsellingread | listen
15201/05/23Embedded Mediaread | listen
15111/10/22On Poetic Hyperboleread | listen
15009/29/22Custom Costuming Convictionread | listen
14908/14/22The Gaia Tract Traverseread | listen
14807/17/22Empathological Correlationread | listen
14706/23/22Implicit Essentialsread | listen
14605/12/22Wishing That In Habit Knackread | listen
14502/16/22Acclimate Changeread | listen
14401/03/22The Emplotment, Presumedread | listen
14311/18/21The Ineffable Startle...read | listen
14209/30/21 Prolong the Day, the Nightread | listen
14109/09/21 Environmental Paranoiaread | listen
14008/26/21 Ebullient Figmentsread | listen
13908/12/21 Where Left Offread | listen
13807/18/21 En Rapport En Routeread | listen
13706/17/21 A Bit of a Stretch: An Acknowledgmentread | listen
13606/03/21 Impulses Derived read | listen
13505/06/21The Orison Ocherread | listen
13404/27/21Contact Tracingread | listen
13303/24/21Facture Architectureread | listen
13203/10/21Curated Woe, Duress Mediatedread | listen
13102/17/21 All Part of the Artistic Disciplineread | listen
13001/30/21 Commensurate Summationread | listen
12912/27/20 The Obliged Expectation of Decentralized Artificesread | listen
12811/30/20 What Was Saidread | listen
12711/16/20 Representation Along the Lineread | listen
12610/27/20 Afflux Varianceread | listen
12509/22/20The Customary Visionaryread | listen
12409/07/20In the Zone (the Landscape)read | listen
12308/04/20A Resilient Versatilityread | listen
12207/12/20Monumental Madnessread | listen
12106/08/20The Faint Violent Breeze read | video
12005/31/20The Hidden Obviousread | listen
11905/11/20A Cheer for the Typical (A Love Poem)read | listen
11803/30/20Distant Learningread | listen
11703/01/20Harmonious Hums read | listen
11602/04/20Discover Weekly [An Extrapolated Riff] read | listen
11501/20/20Sense Tensedread | listen
11412/02/19'Tis the Season: A Chronicalread | listen
11310/20/19A Brief Beat Rantread | listen
11209/02/19The Journey--Finding a Way to Go read | listen
11108/14/19Hear Tell... read | listen
11007/07/19Responsive Designread | listen
10905/13/19Commencementread | listen
10804/08/19Of Transregional Originread | listen
10702/12/19Virtue Realityread | listen
10601/07/19Oh, For Art's Sake!read | listen
10512/10/18 Endurable Goodsread | listen
10410/17/18The Whole Living Thingread | listen
10306/10/18Social Lenses Shifting Visionread | listen
10205/14/18Vantage Apprehension read | listen
10103/25/18The FUTR Summarizedread | listen
10003/04/18Ascertainmentread | listen
9901/01/18Inconspicuous Aspirationsread | listen
9808/20/17Suspended Sentenceread | listen
9707/29/17Gratuitous Gateway Apocalyptic Afflictionread | listen
9606/04/17One From a Kindread | listen
9505/07/17Daily Life Cycleread | listen
9403/20/17The Appraisalread | listen
9301/22/17Hermeneutics of the Comfort Zoneread | listen
9212/18/16Folk Tales read | listen
9111/27/16The Predecessors' Preambleread | listen
9011/06/16Okay, Enough About That Alreadyread | listen
8909/25/16About Face read | listen
8808/24/16Good Plans read | listen
8707/10/16Days in a Lifetimereadlisten
8606/27/16Enticementsread | listen
8503/27/16The Opinion Manufacturerread | listen
8402/28/16Dynamic Engagementread | listen
8301/03/16Faithread | listen
8212/09/15Cognitive Preserveread | listen
8111/15/15Makeshiftread | listen
8011/01/15Periodizationread | listen
7910/04/15Precautionary Verisimilar Thrallsread | listen
7809/07/15Eidetic Idyllicread | listen
7708/03/15An Offbeat Production of the Sonnetread | listen
7607/14/15The Extapolated Trifleread | listen
7503/23/15The Monument read | listen
7403/04/15Distractions Ascend read | listen
7302/18/15Present Latter-Dayread | listen
7201/07/15Adducible Summaryreadlisten
7112/06/14Socially Transmittedreadlisten
7011/06/14A Tree Falls (Lonerness)read | listen
6910/12/14On One's Onusread | listen
6809/23/14Route 1 Ekphrasisread | listen
6708/03/14 Discourse Proclivitiesread | listen
6605/26/14 Endeavor Vigorread | listen
6505/12/14 The May Windreadlisten
6401/26/14 Salvageread | listen
6301/05/14 Veracity Reservedread | listen
6212/08/13 angular singularread | listen
6111/17/13 The Chess Lessonread | listen
6010/20/13 In the Beginning, a Discussionread | listen
5907/13/13 Plumb Local read | listen
5811/20/12 A disLocationread | listen
5711/11/12 Cognoscente in Absentiaread | listen
5610/15/12 The Frisson Factorread | listen
5509/25/12 Sensuous Consensusread | listen
5403/19/12 Source Cod(e/a)read | listen
5309/04/11 In Retro Summerization: A Wayward Summaryread | listen
5207/10/11 Grand Denouement: Grandiose Cinemaread | listen
5106/19/11 Putting Back Where Belongingsread | listen
5004/25/11 Aughting the Juggernaut (Paradoxing the Overwhelming System)read | listen
4912/12/10 TOPIC EPIC: Today or Tomorrow (My 21 Cents...And Then Some)read | listen
4811/21/10 A Sci-Fi Brief on the Fly from the Fly on the Wall -- A Competitive Intelligence Business Plan in Action -- A Web Sited Boot Camp in Four Partsread | listen
4708/28/10 The Vicinityread | listen
4607/12/10 Untitled Provenanceread | listen
4506/22/10 The Different Deviantsread | listen
4406/14/10 Work Agency Digestread | listen
4305/15/10 DISASTER RECOVERY: TransParen(t)cy Guidanceread | listen
4203/28/10 Stasis Status in Stark Seclusionread | listen
4103/07/10 Ethereal Materialread | listen
4012/20/09 Emancipated Uniformity read | listen
3911/22/09 Racial Bitmappingread | listen
3811/07/09 Suspects of Interestreadlisten
3710/25/09 Cultivation [in] Confidencereadlisten
3609/19/09 Y2MEreadlisten
3508/24/09 Commodity Patentedreadlisten
3408/14/09 Predominantly Phratryreadlisten
3307/12/09 Ideal Zeal Appealreadlisten
32.503/14/09 Brokering Bedrock: Reconcile Congregation (Intruding Sensitivity) readlisten
3204/05/09 Mindsetting Contentmentreadlisten
3102/22/09 Rating Religious Righteousness readlisten
3001/30/09 Specializing Standardreadlisten
2901/17/09 Native Prominencereadlisten
2801/03/09 Sphere of Substancereadlisten
2712/14/08Redundant Ratings Concerted readlisten
2612/07/08 The (Un)Sightlyreadlisten
2511/22/08 Hearing Voicesreadlisten
2411/09/08 Period[i]city [B]orderreadlisten
2311/02/08 Encountering the Clockwisereadlisten
2210/19/08 Critical Massreadlisten
2107/20/08 Eratationreadlisten
2005/01/08 Not In Front of the Inheritancereadlisten
1904/10/08 Posting the Present Present the Postingreadlisten
1803/13/08 The Delegationreadlisten
1701/24/08 Eula's Songreadlisten
1612/10/07 Co-Creature Criterionreadlisten
1511/13/07 Crashing the Browserread | listen
1409/30/07 Choice Encountersread | listen
1309/01/07 The Hidden Shadows
Meming Memories
Traversing the Gravity of Longevity
read | listen
Ethics: The Way We Are Or The Way We Were
read | listen
1105/29/07 An Ideological Pilgrimage
Commodifying Info-spheres
read | listen
1003/03/07 As Is
Devastation I
Devastation II
Getting the Boot
read | listen
0902/03/07 Collecting Consciousness
Alerting Archives
read | listen
0801/06/07 Collecting Capital
read | listen

Not That Love
In Cultural Exile
Rude Awakenings
The Fabl(e/ous)

read | listen
0611/04/06 The Post-Information Age
Time in Media
Passing Liking
read | listen
0510/15/06 Whatever Forever What
Proxy Epoch Moxie
Insulting Matters
read | listen
0409/22/06 Escalating Memories
Forging the Frontier
Legacy Portraiture
Specialized Generality
Resorting to Renaissance
Keeping the Company
read | listen
0309/03/06 M is for Marketing
Gallery-Aged Echo
Duplex Legacy
Where to Now?
Tricks of the Trade
read | listen
0208/13/06 Arena Discourse
Convenient Comfort
Digital Assets
Data Delivery
Balancing Incoherence
read | listen
0108/01/06 Read Between the Ellipses
Here and Now [coming and going]
Assembling Cerebricity
Artful Economics
Mystery and History Presently
read | listen
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