Prolong the Day, the Night
Prolong the day. Prolong the night.
Sound asleep.., sounds wakey-wakey.
The question asked private-panicky,
Is there something wrong?
Past the Info Age, the Reclamation begins:
The pursuit of belonging beyond the feigns.
Mental pitfalls, psyche quagmire strains--
Sci-fi corrective social training reigns.
Prolong the day. Prolong the night.
Sound asleep.., sounds wakey-wakey.
The question asked private-panicky,
Is there something wrong?
Statuesque iconography.
Landscape lacking solidarity.
Overwhelming sensitivity.
Soul-searching vulnerability.
On recreational terms--scheduled activity;
Conventional ideas--deep think geo-antiquity;
Attention span, betwixt between--ambiguity;
A symbiotic symbolic breakdown--ancestral
Dissociation anxiety!
Prolong the day. Prolong the night.
Sound asleep.., sounds wakey-wakey.
The question asked private-panicky,
Is there something wrong?
Seeking asylum, a safe space
To sort the distorted, hectic pace.
Aberrations argumentative, emoji grimace;
Nose out of joint, 'Get off my case!'
The asked and answered treatment--meaty.
The audience rating the performance--loyalty
To the cause of the presumed weary.
Hype-check the editorial for fan-speak empathy.
Prolong the day. Prolong the night.
Sound asleep.., sounds wakey-wakey.
The question asked private-panicky,
Is there something wrong?