The Delegation
Design adapt.
A volition, a decision (skillset/mindset empathy)--
An appreciation beyond credit is the score
Greeting the cards, holding the house of chores,
The tasks that call the role, that support the platform--
Stances, gestures and formats:
Adequate etiquette; artful eloquence.
Design adopt.
Not technology, but a technicality in technique--
An imagined demographic is the perception
Driving the polemic, premising the promise of notice,
The "how come" income outcome that defines the
real ideal--
Personal/professional performity:
Fantasy politics; embodied publicity.
Design adept.
Evangelist/propagandist matching situation with belief
As citizen, as consumer, as conversationalist, as contributor,
as celebrity--
Iconographic integrity, push/pull propositional equivalence--
Benevolence sorely corely competence--
Empowerment stomping stamping time in memoriam.
The Delectation.