Ethics: The Way We Are Or The Way We
Introduction - X-Based Ethics
Society is in (emotional/intellectual/spiritual)
conflict with the (behavioral/cognitive/psychic) resolution
of (temporal/local[e]/global) disposition towards values
[concepts and facts] concerning the attitude(s) called for
in response to a non-fictional point of view (i.e. issue).
At issue are the Ethics "of society," the (cathartic/quiescent/vicarious)
literacies that lie beneath the (path/map/passage in the)
celebration of a (fundamental/practical/metaphysical) culture.
Ethics is a perception-based (i.e. x-based) set of (contingent/conventional/riteful)
references as delineated (by sequence/process/promotion)
to negotiate the organizational coding of an issue: a conflict
resolution disposition.
There are four kinds of x-based ethics:
generic, identity, personality, and character.
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