--  a podcast and website dedicated to anecdotal cooking as expressed through my poetry and foodstuff --  a podcast and website dedicated to anecdotal cooking as expressed through my poetry and foodstuff listings.
Twenty-First Century 005: October 15, 2006 [listen]

Whatever Forever What
(Systems Development Riddling Development Systems)

Change [system]--
    Instantaneous situation of what:
    Have [reciprocation],
    Have not [recognition];
    Have to [repercussion]
    Have to not [reconciliation]

Capacity [development]--
    Intensative manipulation of ever:
    Looking back to
    Obscure pending;
    Updating pending
    Before fixing.

Change capacity [systems development]--
    Choice situation [practice]
    For select manipulation [process]--
    What ever.

Capacity for change [development systems]--
    Choice manipulation [process]
    For select situation [practice]--
    Ever what.

Proxy Epoch Moxie

For the gallery representative
To haggle, to close duty
In honoring retro-introspection,
A fair deal.

Positioned are painterly calling cards
In remodeled installations
Outwitted by concept-sculpted signposts.

Getting the idea--
A feast festivity of trade
Show pieces of meal.

Fecund displays
Taken images ago
For the now-inspired

A courtly gesture.


Absolute dynamics
Natural synthetics
Contingent indices
Perpetual stasis

Mass customization
Modular diversification
Demo budgets
Graphic bits

Capital affiliating
Power training
Shared process
Privileged access

Sales facilitator
Force implementer
Service ornamentation
Labor accentuation

Aptitude regimen
Deal spellin'
Syntactic gateway
Alpha intricacy

Insulting Matters

Intelligent myths infused in hieroglyphs--
Fabulous tales to fill the sails,
Compromising stories concerning glories--
Hypocrisy reports of these sorts,
Cascading through a tinctured glimpse,
Incline portraiture, envision morale,
Diagram public priorities:
A peak shifting, tilting backwards.
A device--gadgeted piths,
Astute doily veils--
Amplifies the auspices
From ingenious retards.

If you would like to receive the culinary musing or anecdote as they are posted, send an email requesting subscription. Feel free to exercise thought by sending me an email regarding preparation nuances. Be sure to experiment with flavor--and remember, eat your mistakes, uh, ingredients. (Disclaimer)
Copyright © 2006 by Edward K. Brown II, All Rights Reserved