Travel Portrait 20
On Being Patient #1: Introduction
May 2, 2009 [listen]
This travel portrait should not be construed as an advertisement
or as an admonishment. This portrait is a rare opportunity
for which I have been waiting: to journalize an aesthetic
voyage through time recently before and suddenly after a
physiological "life-altering" event, an event
that has and will affect my mindset and mental functionality--not
to mention my density, bone that is. This portrait
is a grand round, a gross clinic in the removal of
a tumor that is causing, within me, Cushing's Syndrome.
This portrait is about a pituitary case requiring Endoscopic
Transsphenoidal Surgery.
When considering the surgery, I wonder how deranged my
future arrangement will be. Will I be fit for fancy or locked
into lunacy? Will my arrangement be happy-go-lyrical or
pessimistically prosaic--or both (as usual)? As such conceits
may deceive my rendering of reality, my physician asked
that this case be documented from a clinician's point-of-view.
I consented to have this perspective in version drafted
so to counterbalance my psychosomatic/hormonal makeup.
In the portrayal of this travel exhibited as time again,
I am reminded that to find countenance in this gallery,
I must be patient.