Such a challenge are stripes
If not incorporated into a flag
Or used as an imaginary path
To indicate a crosswalk: the
Purpose here, however, illusorily
Elusive; the dizzying tilt of balance,
Leaning, the head mimics slightly;
This hypnotic study aligns parallelism--
The need for vision to remain vertical.
A detail--the abrasive edges of a
Soft graphite pencil, each stroke
Evenly weighted, this exemplar,
Drawn on a piece of rough paper,
Squarely cropped, the negative
Space stained afterwards using a
Water-colored dry brush--
The square, rotated in quarter-turn,
Remains a square, though the geo-
Metric view dramatically shifts: a
Different disposition, a counterpoise,
A momentary leveling of horizon.
Whichever twisted way, the noggin bobs!
Contemplated the painterly troll
Beneath the bridge, framing the
Picture with index fingers and
Thumbs, lying on his back, staring
At the underbelly, assessing the
Rusty girders and the crumbling
Concrete of the soffit, while trying
To take an afternoon nap and dream
Of the Minotaur--as restless as an
Ogre, after the beast gobbled up a
Wayward passerby.