The natural eye, conventional views, spinning
Words, pivoting tracts--the skeptic pines for a
Critical pragmatism: contemporary concerns of
The century previous.
An ontological industrial polemic plumes
Ephemeral atmospheric aerosols proposing a
Quality of ambivalence, stemming preoccupations
Over a cooling tower heat exchange: toxicity
Level classifications.
Clearing the air, a vagueness is on the horizon;
The symbolic pictorial sleight problematizes visual
Relevance, alludes to the "Songs of the Sky,"
Refutes fraudulent Equivalents.
However, given the apparent color scheme, the
Message is debatable; though, the afterglow dims
The mind--inconclusive.
Krauss, Rosalind. "Stieglitz/'Equivalents.'" October,
vol. 11, 1979, pp. 129140. JSTOR,