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12912/27/20The Obliged Expectation
[21st Century]
The tribulation that eludes elucidation is the foundation for thought.listen
42412/13/20 Supermarket Inspirations
[culinary musing]
(1) Tomatillo Chowder
(2) Chicken-n-Mash Salad
42312/06/20Busy Day Specials
[culinary musing]
(1) An Improvised Breakfast Taco
(2) A Fish Smothered--Open-Faced
(3) Flowing Flux Pasta Soup
12811/30/20What Was Said
[21st Century]
To begin with the end, the possibility of disenchantment--this predominant persuasive inadvertence is the conclusion to avoid.listen
08511/26/20Urban Foliage
[travel portrait]
Take a walk, leisurely--before the Season ends.
[21st Century]
Diffracting the light colors the truth.listen
42211/08/20A Neat Mess
[culinary musing]
(1) A Lingering Hogg Burger
(2) Bog Greens and Fish
07211/02/20 Love from an Old Haunt
[anecdotal cooking]
He looked at his watch as if he had some place to be--late for an appointment.listen
12610/27/20Afflux Variance
[21st Century]
A day in the life, the commentary touted is the impetus to convey the epitome of legitimacy.listen
08410/22/20Grey Matter
[travel portrait]
What is the true color and composition of neural activity and the mental landscape--the depiction of memory, the vivid recall of experience?
[culinary musing]
(1) Dinner Missing Vegetables
(2) Dinner with Typical Vegetables
[travel portrait]
Witness the ancient and mythic antics of contemporary hubris in the natural world.
42009/27/20After a Trip to the Market
[culinary musing]
(1) Garland Beef and Potatoes
(2) Beef Sausage with Frijoles
12509/22/20The Customary Visionary
[21st Century]
The agency from recollection represents thoughtfulness.listen
41909/13/20A Flaky Warm Up Exercise
[culinary musing]
(1) Flakes and Seeds
(2) Flakes and Peppers
12409/07/20In the Zone (the Landscape)
[21st Century]
One might feel, might think, might say or argue.listen
41808/30/20A Long Summer's Conclusion
[culinary musing]
(1) Aubergine Chicken Stew
(2) Post-Seasoned Fish
[anecdotal cooking]
The emotional attachment epitome--source material.listen
41708/16/20Laid-Back Suppers
[culinary musing]
(1) Peace of Mind Stew
(2) A Sigh of Relief Stew
08208/13/20The Log Garden
[travel portrait]
Along a narrow sidewalk of unassuming rowhomes, a unique vision slowed the pace of time...
12308/04/20A Resilient Versatility
[21st Century]
The groundwork attests to possible outcomes, emerging structures.listen
41607/29/20Fresh Parsley Mayonnaise
[culinary musing]
(1) Medley Salad
(2) Chilled Veal Salad
[Cooking with EI]
Episode 04: Cool Down to Avert a Meltdownvideo
12207/12/20Monumental Madness
[21st Century]
In an open market of eclectic tastes and diverse interests, cultural appropriation bespeaks communal preservation.listen
41407/05/20Meals in Between Inspirations
[culinary musing]
(1) Sour & Savory Lunchtime Stew
(2) No Chips Nachos
07006/28/20On Moping: An Appreciation
[anecdotal cooking]
Along an avenue, the mind wandered while traveling on foot, en route from an auto repair shop to a convenient food establishment.listen | video
41306/21/20A Break at Sundown
[culinary musing]
(1) Heat After Thought
(2) Thought After Taste
41206/14/20Liquid, Meat, Produce,..
[culinary musing]
(1) Almost Summer Afternoon Soup
(2) Late Spring Evening Soup
12106/08/20The Faint Violent Breeze
[21st Century]
What clouds the mind on a clear day? video
12005/31/20The Hidden Obvious
[21st Century]
Shoot for the moon only to be stationed--quarantined, though not infected, always suspected.listen
41105/27/20Afternoon Soap
[Cooking with EI]
Episode 03: Breakfast Anyone?video
41005/17/20A Cookery Meditation
[culinary musing]
(1) Sonorous Vegetables with Pastalisten
11905/11/20A Cheer for the Typical
[21st Century]
In a stable environment, immediacy is the way to see business as usual--just enough, just in time--as planned by a capital career lifestyle.listen
40905/07/20Dinner Snacks
[Cooking with EI]
Episode 02: Dinner Snacks: A Low-Tech Approachvideo
40804/26/20Beef, Two Times
[culinary musing]
(1) Beef and Kale
(2) Open Faced Beef
40704/23/20Debut Stew
[Cooking with EI]
This is the first episode of Cooking with EI, demonstrating home-style cooking techniques. Did somebody say, "measuring cups"?video
06904/12/20A Big (Whoop!) To-Do
[anecdotal cooking]
At the landing foot of the stairs are bags (two thin thermal, a few thick paper), bags worth reusing, recycling.listen
40604/05/20What Next?
[culinary musing]
(1) Pork Chop With Drippings;
(2) Catfish Puppies
11803/30/20Distant Learning
[21st Century]
Sequestered in togetherness, overwhelmed by the brilliance, by the light of day, by the unusual colloquial words,..listen
08103/26/20Day Lightening
[travel portrait]
Absorb the scenery from a refreshing Spring breeze.
40503/15/20Eggplant Surprise(s)
[culinary musing]
(1) Temperate Pasta Salad
(2) Savory Chilled Chop
40403/08/20Swimming Upstream
[culinary musing/vignette]
(1) Not Against the Grain
(2) On a Roll
(3) A Steak in the Game
listen | video
11703/01/20Harmonious Hums
[21st Century]
Non-virtual reality seeps into the consciousness, seeks priority, debilitates information flow.listen
40302/23/20Sustenant Chicken Stews
[culinary musing]
(1) Chicken Apple Stew
(2) Chicken Chana Stew
08002/17/20Mind Business
[travel portrait]
A short corridor of a makeshift dining room contains two columns of tables with a couple chairs per.
40202/09/20Adjective Nourishment
[culinary musing]
(1) Leafy Noodles
(2) Finocchio Rice
11602/04/20Discover Weekly
[21st Century]
A notion nation; a world of ideas.listen
06801/28/20Slightly Off
[anecdotal cooking]
An upper respiratory infection helped extend the weekend.listen
11501/20/20Sense Tensed
[21st Century]
Witness emergent finitude: panhumanist parts, fits and starts.listen
07901/13/20This Is Not A Knife
[travel portrait]
Utensil utility--when is a knife not a knife?
40101/05/20Technically Not Rechauffé
[culinary musing]
(1) Chrysanthemum Soup
(2) Chorizo Bisque
40001/01/20Winter Heat
[culinary musing/vignette]
(1) An Old Favorite Anew
(2) Inner Insulation
listen | video
Feel free to exercise thought by sending me an email regarding preparation nuances. You may eat easy when you eat ingredients. (Disclaimer)
Copyright © 2020 by Edward K. Brown II, All Rights Reserved .