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20012/31/12The Unoriginal Osmosist
[culinary musing]

(1) Frittatolenta: A Modern Blend?
(2) The Unagimonger: the Sustainability of a Cultural Taste

22312/30/12Mr. Potty Mouth
CONTEMPLATIVE DELUSION: the manipulation of legitimacy to formulate an obligation; abdicating investment thus the ability to negotiate onus.listen
22212/25/12Mr. Potty Mouth
TRANSLINEAR EXISTENCE: a mostly elective vicissitude in community-valued activity of sensible-seeming curiosity if not metaphysical empathy.listen
22112/20/12Mr. Potty Mouth
STEADY STATE: an equilibrium indetermined by decision making indifferent to the babble flow of the flarf-chatter confounding a body politic.listen
19912/16/12If at First You Succeed, Keep on Trying
[culinary musing]

(1) Pasta with Aubergine Meat Sauce
(2) Winter Holiday, Celebratory Stew

22012/16/12Mr. Potty Mouth
SENESCENT RATIOCINATION: a keenness from repositories of geoverisms; cogencies used to further a proposition based on contiguous encounters.listen
21912/12/12Mr. Potty Mouth
SOCIAL COHESION: the force taxing the consensus of the republic, what common wealth is sustainable if (not) factoring democratic conscience?listen
19812/09/12Antipesto Stufato
[culinary musing]

(1) One Una
(2) Two Due

21811/29/12Mr. Potty Mouth
HIVE-MINDEDNESS is not the belief that one is morally/intellectually superior, just one's agnostic busy bee mentality for bettering society.listen
21711/27/12Mr. Potty Mouth
MIGRAINE GOSSIP: when your ears are ringing and no-one is talking burningly about you and you have to listen to the haranguing inner shriek.listen
19711/25/12Meals Easy on the Stomach
[culinary musing]

(1) Confection of the Sea
(2) Delicate Casserole

5811/20/12 21st Century: A disLocationPoem from the collection Twenty-First Century:
(1) A disLocation
21611/16/12Mr. Potty Mouth
EXAMINED LIFE: critical disposition embodied capability implicated arrangements observed hubris guide dimension constituted relevant anxietylisten
5711/11/12 21st Century: Cognoscente in AbsentiaPoem from the collection Twenty-First Century:
(1) Cognoscente in Absentia
21511/05/12Mr. Potty Mouth
CAREER FRUSTRATION is not hitting the glass ceiling, but being stuck in a glass box; despite skills, people think you can only do pantomime.listen
19610/29/12A Change of View--For Shore
[culinary musing]

(1) Gulf Salad
(2) Islet Pasta

21410/28/12Mr. Potty Mouth
JOURNAL ENTRY: note thyself well to later acquire the wisdom of age; note to self, forget about it, you'll only feel very guilty in the end.listen
21310/22/12Mr. Potty Mouth
VISION FROM THE PERIPHERY is the eye's gateway to the subconscious--a short-sighted, yet telling observation of an image in a sensory flash.listen
19510/22/12Not Overly Simple
[culinary musing]

(1) Side By Side
(2) All Together

5610/15/12 21st Century: The Frisson FactorPoem from the collection Twenty-First Century:
(1) The Frisson Factor
21210/13/12Mr. Potty Mouth
GOAD is not the poorly pronounced opposite of bad, just the opposite in the advocacy of ethical manner; criticism of spurious righteousness.listen
21110/10/12Mr. Potty Mouth
INHERENCE is not a blood heredity line, just a community-based understanding, a tacit consciousness that regulates blood pulse and pressure.listen
19410/08/12Meals Extended: Lunch/Dinner Combined
[culinary musing]

(1) Stew
(2) Soup
(3) Sandwich
(4) Scoop

21010/03/12Mr. Potty Mouth
PAPERLESS is not the decision to go digital, just a situation where one lacks proper nation of origin documents in the country of residence.listen
5509/25/12 21st Century: Sensuous ConsensusPoem from the collection Twenty-First Century:
(1) Sensuous Consensus
19309/17/12Quadruple That
[culinary musing]

(1) Did You Ever Go To The Super Market
(2) To Purchase Something For Which
(3) You Had A Special Taste, Only To
(4) Find Out That You Already Had A
(5) Jar Of The Ingredient In The Refrigerator?

20909/14/12Mr. Potty Mouth
HTB: I looked left, then right--then I stepped into the street before looking left again. A car almost hit me. I sh*t my pants, literally!!! listen
20809/14/12Mr. Potty Mouth
HTB: I was driving. The light was green. I made a right, then swerved--missing a person who was crossing the street. I almost sh*t my pants!listen 
2070911/12Mr. Potty Mouth
HTB: See, I told you so--said when you didn't listen to your gut. Look, I told you so--said when you didn't listen to your better judgment. listen
19209/09/12Nosh-Up Behemoth
[culinary musing]

(1) A Lavish Shoal
(2) A Feral Feaster

20609/09/12Mr. Potty Mouth
HTB: enough with political satire & trash-talking commercials, pay mind to the Presidential debates, then vote in Nov.--you Pinkeye Commie!!listen 
20509/08/12Mr. Potty Mouth
HTB: "that is so cliché," is a phrase in which the mentioner doesn't consider the triteness of his remark--and twofold with this utterance!! listen
20409/06/12Mr. Potty Mouth
HEARD THAT BEFORE: forever and a day is greater than infinity plus 1 because that number of days is uncountable in hours or minutes/seconds.listen 
20309/05/12Mr. Potty Mouth
HEARD THAT BEFORE: if there is no pleasing someone, stop the onerous attempts--perhaps that one will be some what happier with the "defeat." listen
20208/30/12Mr. Potty Mouth
ART NOTES from a lecture: narrate interpret critique illuminate performative speech answer calls question response verbalize w/o lips movinglisten
20108/28/12Mr. Potty Mouth
ALEATORY DIORAMA: rapid eye movement--flickering scenes--snapshot visions--images' countenance--limited linearity--a plot twist--head spins.listen
19108/27/12Not Convincing Enough
[culinary musing]

(1) Aw Man! This is Plain Awful!!
(2) Well, If You Thought that was Bad...

20008/24/12Mr. Potty Mouth
A SLACKER'S POLEMIC: if you feel as though you're about to rock the boat, rock yourself to sleep--you might awaken w/a more rational doable.listen
19908/21/12Mr. Potty Mouth
EXASPERATION is not a frenetic mood that exhausts one--just an anxiety causing the loss of spoken word, forcing one to gasp: hyperventilate.listen
19008/20/12Eclecticism's Edge
[culinary musing]
(1) Scrambled Eggs
(2) Kid's Play Sandwiches
(3) Triple-Decker
19808/14/12Mr. Potty Mouth
WHY society|culturati anthology|anthropology currency|economy historiography|biography sympathy|antipathy humanity|biology fertility|ecologylisten
18908/12/12Alter Egos
[culinary musing]
(1) Dark
(2) Light
02908/06/12 A Lazy Afternoon
[anecdotal cooking]
He was bored with himself, again--not depressed, simply tired with his routine. listen
19707/28/12Mr. Potty Mouth
TELESMA EXPANSE: as the change withers that which is alluded are the works based on transformations reproduced into intellectual properties.listen
19607/24/12Mr. Potty Mouth
FURTHERMORE PRODUCTION: a continuance plan; once in a while fortifying obscure observances into a form of Art communicating a duration kept.listen
18807/23/12Thick and Thin
[culinary musing]
(1) Thick
(2) Thin
19507/20/12Mr. Potty Mouth
SUBLIME EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: wits within accord when at the brink of mental breakdown, without conjuring a flight of fancy to compensate.listen
18707/16/12The Bluefish Specials for this Evening Are
[culinary musing]
(1) The First Bluefish Special
(2) The Second Bluefish
19407/12/12Mr. Potty Mouth
AESTHETICS: the kind of sense that makes "No," the exclaimed affirmation when hearing/sight/smell/taste/touch are incomprehensibly tangible.listen
18607/08/12Non-Planetary Fare
[culinary musing]
(1) A Bowl of Sunshine
(2) Pisces Moon Stew
19307/07/12Mr. Potty Mouth
PER SE VERSE: the struggle with concepts gotten through vicarious clues indicating ideas transpired, actions jotted, fabricated in the mind.listen
19206/30/12Mr. Potty Mouth
RIVALRY Oh what peril when the imagination vividly challenges the dream, wakening purpose, advancing remembrance, whose landscape is proper?listen
19106/28/12Mr. Potty Mouth
A BREEZE a table a plate a knife and fork resting atop morsel sudor a bottle half empty blinds clapping against the sill atonal chimes clanglisten
18506/25/12After Meal Mouth Watering
[culinary musing]
(1) Omelette Bava Fin
(2) Blood Chicken with Vegetable
19006/22/12Mr. Potty Mouth
ANTICIPATION powers the sanity of wisdom that cannot wait any longer, that obscures the course of events assay when passing time in fantasy.listen
18406/19/12An Appetite Gathering
[culinary musing]
(1) Quickly Consummed Soup
(2) Jetty on a Sandy Beach
(3) A Cookout Side
18906/14/12Mr. Potty Mouth
PASSERS BY PASSAGE--wondering wanderingly aiming aimlessly a disparate de l'esprit, an abject object held beholden to a figurative figurine.listen
18306/10/12The Mystery of the Hodgepodges
[culinary musing]
(1) Boil, Bake, and Blend
(2) Alimentary My Dear
18805/30/12Mr. Potty Mouth
REFERENCE BOOKS are most appreciated when digital search results provide only bits of information, not attuned logic in the form of answers.listen
18205/28/12Weekend Specials, Circular Deals, and Self-Discoveries
[culinary musing]
(1) Touchy-Feely Dinner
(2) The Forbidden Platter
18705/25/12Mr. Potty Mouth
THE DROWSE: betwixt the yester-morrow, a watch of time--as the day transpires, a bout with the World, reckoning again vitality exhaustively.listen
18105/21/12Ray[monde]'s Throw-Together
[culinary musing]
(1) Oven Roast
(2) Hot Soup
18605/20/12Mr. Potty Mouth
LITERARY DRY SPELL: when the words that compose the sentences lack salivation; when the clauses authored are pasty, lack anticipatory taste.listen
02805/14/12 Suburban Momma Blues
[anecdotal cooking]
Ed has another successful Mother's day.listen
18505/07/12Mr. Potty Mouth
CLUTCH--which is a more fun tension, the sweat in practice or the challenges of the game; the likeness kept/depleted when in uniformed play.listen
18005/07/12Four Blah Squares
[culinary musing]
(1) Upper Left Corner
(2) Lower Left Corner
(3) Upper Right Corner
(4) Lower Right Corner
18405/04/12Mr. Potty Mouth
HOME EMBODIED: a mortal, a stomach inhabited by morsels, sludge--fetal-resting, comforter wrap, darkened room--outside, gut-gurgle, thunder.listen
18304/26/12Mr. Potty Mouth
THE BEST KEPT secrets are those not advertised as such. How damning is the sharing and preserving of the heart-felt obvious without mention!listen
17904/23/12Feeding Ideas
[culinary musing]
(1) Shipwrecked on the Rocky Shore
(2) Stomach Hits: Bricks with Mortar
(3) On Open Land a Haystack with Ornaments
18204/21/12Mr. Potty Mouth
MOMENTARY MOMENTS blooming blossoms fragrant fragrances forgets forgotten knowledge knowing passionate passion lame laments tougher toughestlisten
18104/18/12Mr. Potty Mouth
ETERNAL VISION: clarity absent hindsight; a contrivance that successfully embellishes facts to discern percepts w/o metaphorical likenesses.listen
17804/17/12Off the Docks Market Pickup Game
[culinary musing]
(1) Beach and Vegetable Stew
(2) Bottom of the Ocean Stew
18004/13/12Mr. Potty Mouth
ELABORATE NOTES scribe melodious lyrics, summarizing normal complexities naturally overwhelmed by the punctuated din of the heart's surmise.listen
17704/09/12Under the Fair Weather
[culinary musing]
(1) Cranium Pond Soup
(2) Rocks and Grass by the Muddy Pond Soup
(3) Dragon's Wort Pudding
17904/05/12Mr. Potty Mouth
FRET--having not much to say means that the ideas afloat in the brain are incapacitating the motor skills way beyond comprehension--ENAMOUR.listen
17804/03/12Mr. Potty Mouth
NO SWIMMING--ripples in the water reflect the breeze fragmenting the tough-minded thoughts benched around the fountain as jocularity spurts.listen  
17703/29/12Mr. Potty Mouth
STATURESQUE: from hunched shoulders to standing upright--having less to do with intelligence, more so with a posture to reach for the stars.listen
17603/25/12Mulling Mouth
[culinary musing]
(1) Clingy Soup
(2) Exhaustion Buzz Stew
(3) Heckler's Relish: The Meatball League's Sandwich of Choice
17603/23/12Mr. Potty Mouth
VITAL TRANSMODALITY: a simultaneous time-line within innate communities scheduled to alarm precedence, rarely set to watch self preferences. listen
5403/19/1221st Century: Source Cod(e/a)Poem from the collection Twenty-First Century:
(1) Source Cod(e/a)
17503/13/12Mr. Potty Mouth
REGARDING this concerning that, a pompous ass is not the horse part resembling me. Clearly my buttocks distinguishes the visage--in profile. listen
17503/11/12Serving Grace
[culinary musing]
(1) Croup Soup
(2) Merluza Negra Dimples
(3) Midday Interlude
(4) Meat-za
17403/08/12Mr. Potty Mouth
REPUTE is a heroic defamation that represents what is rumored to be known as a bona fide incredulity praised to a despicably elevated level. listen
17303/04/12Mr. Potty Mouth
WHAT IS A PERSON WORTH if s/he has nothing (no state of affairs) to complain about, nor has a way/means to file (act upon) such aberrations? listen
02702/26/12 Parental Compliance
[anecdotal cooking]
Father is father; son is son. listen
17402/20/12Dinner Visions: See Quel Miracle!
[culinary musing]
(1) The Hearty Skillet
(2) Mesmeric Taters with Beastly Mien
(3) The Hearty Skillet Returns
17202/18/12Mr. Potty Mouth
A TREE BRANCHES out to shelter the trunk going hollow, presenting an upright log--leaves draping low, shadily laying over a shadowy past... listen
17102/15/12Mr. Potty Mouth
THE CLAMOR in the playground clears the clutter in the mind set in the calm of the morning, hence the epitome of aspirations: day core joy. listen
17302/11/12Exotic Earthen Blends
[culinary musing]
(1) S.W.A.M.P (Soup With Alligator-Free Meat Product)
(2) Quicksand
17002/07/12Mr. Potty Mouth
A RAPID UNDERTOW FLEXES, the river glimmers. Afloat are some dragons subbing paddles for wings, geese against flux, if fast be the company. listen
16901/31/12Mr. Potty Mouth
INKLING: the aptitude to jot down an idea with no intent or desire to ponder or any inclination to elaborate upon the gist of the tiny note.listen
17201/28/12Ciabatta BLD (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
[culinary musing]
(1) Somthin' in the Mornin'
(2) Skatepark Picnic
(3) Savory Affair
16801/28/12Mr. Potty Mouth
ISCHEMIA, for me, is not a deficiency of blood supply, just a plan to get my work into the bloodstream of the Academy:
16701/24/12Mr. Potty Mouth
AS THE FOG LIFTS, if vision is not clear, try wiping the car window(s). If the view remains groggy, try having a more substantial breakfast.listen
Pondering Phantasms: A Repurpose of Passages  listen
16601/14/12Mr. Potty Mouth
TRANSFORMATION: the (un)likelihood of consequence certainly (un)satisfactory to (un)do subsequent potential expanse in()verse viva physique!listen
16501/08/12Mr. Potty Mouth
ELOCUTION is not how one pronounces consonants, just map whereabouts spoken by a person with a mouthful of soap
17101/08/12Mother's Prime Challenge
[culinary musing]
(1) Brought Home in a Doggie Bag
(2) My-My Shallow Casserole
(3) BONUS: Psyche in Saturate (Picking Out the Pieces)
16401/01/12Mr. Potty Mouth
GRADUAL ANNUAL EMPIRICAL: performance-based momentum extended over a period of showtime, preserving tidbits--typical series at the pinnacle.listen
Feel free to exercise thought by sending me an email regarding preparation nuances. You may eat easy when you eat ingredients. (Disclaimer)
Copyright © 2012 by Edward K. Brown II, All Rights Reserved