--  a podcast and website dedicated to anecdotal cooking as expressed through my poetry and foodstuff --  a podcast and website dedicated to anecdotal cooking as expressed through my poetry and foodstuff listings.
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Print PostedTitleDescription Audio
8812/31/10Mr. Potty Mouth
ED'S INGREDIENTS [bookstuff]: off-the-shelf/cuff. Test the academically-challenged epicure and he will fail.  listen
8712/28/10Mr. Potty Mouth
IS A [B]LOG--a perturbance in time (a bump jarring notation) or a fated consequence (a blip indicating inclination)--a precursor to lumber?  listen
14512/26/10Demeritorious Christmas
[culinary musing]
(1) Lallygag Lasagna
(2) Sunrise Soup
(3) Barely Conscious Cream of Potato and Mushroom Soup
(4) Holiday Ham
(5) Santa's Sleigh
8612/23/10Mr. Potty Mouth
EOY RUMINATION: If the *person of the year* is almost half one's age, should one now strive to become the *flatulent elder of the decade???*  listen
14412/21/10Tummy Touches
[culinary musing]
(1) Citrus Paradisi Côtelette
(2) Placidity Pulses
(3) Sublime Brassage Couches Sociales Queue Ragoût
(4) Ray[monde]'s Compilation Stew
(5) Ray[monde]'s Chicken Stew
8512/19/10Mr. Potty Mouth
CONSOLIDATION is not a set of opposing PROs (dyslexic silos/fortresses), just a series of societal Pillars standing to distribute the load.  listen
8412/14/10Mr. Potty Mouth
A BROKEN SPORTS METAPHOR: Unlike Football Booth Management, Health Insurance Execs attempt to keep time on the clock. TD the veggie snacks.listen 
4912/12/1021st Century: TOPIC EPIC: Today or Tomorrow Poem from the collection Twenty-First Century:
(1) TOPIC EPIC: Today or Tomorrow (My 21 Cents...And Then Some)
8312/04/10Mr. Potty Mouth
.PRODUCTIVE PROCRASTINATION: satisfactorily finding something better to do other than doing what is supposed to be done: ANXIOUS ASCENSION.  listen
14311/27/10Quest for Fava (Beans): Who's My Daddy?
[culinary musing]
(1) Fava Frittata
(2) King(s) Cake Fava Fritters
(3) Chillin' Fava Liver
(4) Family Pack Ascending Fava
(5) Sloppy Fava Joe Taco
8211/26/10Mr. Potty Mouth
THANKSGIVING RELAXATION is not the taking of yet another pill--just the momentary comfort N knowing that a 2nd bowel movmnt isn't necessary. listen
8111/21/10Mr. Potty Mouth
EXTREME MULTITASKING INTERGEN HOUSEHOLD [end]: 5) Feeding newborn, foot-petting dog. "Oh yeah" kid chores, downloads, after-hour activities. listen
8011/21/10Mr. Potty Mouth
EXTREME MULTITASKING INTERGEN HOUSEHOLD [continued]: 4) TXTing partner-spouse the *Whn U leev office B4U g'home Din@6 make-snappy* 2Do list. listen
7911/21/10Mr. Potty Mouth
EXTREME MULTITASKING INTERGEN HOUSEHOLD [continued]: 3) On the laptop, attending webinar "Knowledge Management in a Social Web Environment."   listen
7811/21/10Mr. Potty Mouth
EXTREME MULTITASKING INTERGEN HOUSEHOLD [continued]: 2) Conducting conference call with consumer colleagues on the landline speakerphone.   listen
7711/21/10Mr. Potty Mouth
EXTREME MULTITASKING IN AN AUSTERE INTERGENERATIONAL HOUSEHOLD: 1) *Just-righting* DTV antenna for granny who's wearing wireless headphones.   listen
4711/21/1021st Century: Sci-Fi Brief from the FlyPoem from the collection Twenty-First Century:
(1) A Sci-Fi Brief on the Fly from the Fly on the Wall -- A Competitive Intelligence Business Plan in Action -- A Web Sited Boot Camp in Four Parts
7611/19/10Mr. Potty Mouth
A LOW KEY HIGH: When 'fed up' and exhausted, sedation is not an ecstasy--just a spiked r/elation to/for a unfulfilling exercise in futility.   listen
14211/14/10In the Throes of Consumption: An Automatic Sampling
[culinary musing]
(1) Gourmand's Gray Gumbo
(2) Protein, Grains and Solar Power Stew
(3) Dominica Affect In Vivo
(4) Chicken-Fried Resemblance
(5) Grandma's Babuni Rejuvenation
(6) A Thrift for Epicurean Non-Otherness Domesticity
7511/12/10Mr. Potty Mouth
InCongruity: like-minded feelings synched lately out of time; fetching repasts appetizing dessert before (and behind) the posthumous future.   listen
7411/08/10Mr. Potty Mouth
Dysfunction is not a disgrace--just an awkward algorithm: sending home the 'lame,' 'cleaning house' in the pursuit to heal a maimed spirit.   listen
14111/06/10Fishy Plainsong Trilogy
[culinary musing]
(1) Chant No. 1: Munching Missive Melodies
(2) Chant No. 2: Plated Fascia Wailing
(3) Chant No. 3: Oops, I Forgot Mother's Birthday (Surprise Dinner Party)!
7311/01/10Mr. Potty Mouth
[ :s ] A CHEW: with sullied swampland, broken-down bridges, and compromised clout, what else remains to retail--gesundheit? [Buh-hooks!!!]   listen
7210/27/10Mr. Potty Mouth
TRICK AND/OR TREATING INFORMATION: dietary issues concerning spells and/or schemata that hallow being, thus requiring candy-coated analysis. listen
7110/25/10Mr. Potty Mouth
Unlike the SHOCK of the new, a BLAST from the past does not prompt a nostalgia trip, just a pleasant reminder of the FUN(?!) not remembered. listen
14010/24/10Delightful Frightful
[culinary musing]
(1) Delightful Frightfullisten
139b10/18/10Piece Meal #24
[culinary musing]
(1) Shipwreck Slumgullion Frenzy
(2) Ray[monde]'s One Pot Stew
(3) Ray[monde]'s Forage Porridge
139a10/18/10Generation: Future Feedings: Vision #4
[culinary musing]
(1) Open Face Relationship
(2) Flat Tire Fun
(3) Jammy Yammies
7010/17/10Mr. Potty Mouth
NOSING THE DRIVE: survey the land, refer to the audio/visual and literal longing in mouth shut--inhale the hunger, exhale into the horizon. listen
6910/14/10Mr. Potty Mouth
KITCHEN CONUNDRUM #2: Fact or fiction--if you are a guest on a "fake news" program, do the statements made become a matter of public record?
6810/14/10Mr. Potty Mouth
LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! Even on choice estate, finding a terminated mouse can be more difficult than catching a live one. Sniff-sniff! listen
13810/03/10Generation: Future Feedings: Vision #3
[culinary musing]
(1) Broken Noodle bLAMb
(2) Something's Fishy
(3) Wedging the Baked Round Loaf
(4) Foodie Fugal
6710/02/10Mr. Potty Mouth
RESTorRANT: Academics that bring to the counter factuals; Art that sets decor, um, the taste testing the pro and con of a (pre-)fixed meal. listen
6609/30/10Mr. Potty Mouth
A KITCHEN CONUNDRUM: from collecting cuisine parts to scraping the soiled dishes--a start that never finishes, a finish that never starts.listen
13709/26/10Generation: Future Feedings: Vision #2
[culinary musing]
(1) Pasta Salud
(2) Gruel Sample A: Top or Bottom
(3) Gruel Sample B: Dense Aspirations
(4) Monte Calzone
6509/23/10Mr. Potty Mouth
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & FARMING: to upgrade the decade, one must develop and plant seeds in order to harvest the market and fund the drive.listen
6409/19/10Mr. Potty Mouth
JUNK BOND is not a low-end stock intended to be dumped when a threshold high is reached, just the sentimental intake of non-nutritive food.listen
13609/16/10Generation: Future Feedings: Vision #1
[culinary musing]
(1) Watch Out Soup
(2) Who Knew Stew
(3) One Day Soon Salsa
13509/11/10Commune-House Cooking
[culinary musing]
(1) Non-Rinky-Dinky Double Salad
(2) Once Boiled Once Fried Tough Dumplings
(3) Swine Tureen
(4) Borderline Booyah
6309/09/10Mr. Potty Mouth
PEDESTRIAN: when following in the footsteps of admiration, consider whether the steps taken, while the line walking, will circus the Circle.listen
6209/01/10Mr. Potty Mouth
SINK-IN is not the digital media co-location process--just AI pinging the equivalent archival insight: data depth perception coming back up.listen
4708/28/1021st Century: The VicinityPoem from the collection Twenty-First Century:
(1) The Vicinity
6108/24/10Mr. Potty Mouth
"What's in store" is not a request for a list of available commercial sale items--just a question one asks after being sold: RAMIFICATIONS.listen
6008/23/10Mr. Potty Mouth
LIFE'S BLUNDER #3: When your laptop spontaneously shuts down, sinking stomach/raising anxiety, check power/energy--plug in/ingest; recharge.listen
13408/22/10Piece Meal #23
[culinary musing]
(1) Layered Salad Toppings
(2) A Stack of Dry Heat Salications
(3) Schoolhouse Chili
08/15/10The Lite Imaging of Pithy Epiphanies
[sound shopping]
Water falls, then evaporates, clouding the 'lustration of photo synthesis. A trial surveys, then abates, appraising tribulations of stress.
2908/15/10The Lite Imaging of Pithy Epiphanies
[travel portrait]
Water falls, then evaporates, clouding the 'lustration of photo synthesis. A trial surveys, then abates, appraising tribulations of stress. listen
5908/14/10Mr. Potty Mouth
Water falls, then evaporates, clouding the 'lustration of photo synthesis. A trial surveys, then abates, appraising tribulations of stress.listen
5808/08/10Mr. Potty Mouth
LIFE'S (WEEKEND) JOURNEY BLUNDER #2: when walking winded in the forest, take a much needed breather, just be certain not to block the path. listen
5708/08/10Mr. Potty Mouth
LIFE'S (WEEKEND) JOURNEY BLUNDER #1: when driving along a unfamiliar road, the exit to the entrance will be passed by if moving too quickly.listen
13308/07/10Ray[monde]'s Orderly Inclinations
[culinary musing]
(1) Ray[monde]'s Breakfast Melt
(2) Surfing Ray[monde]'s Turf
(3) Ray[monde]'s Cool Breeze
5608/02/10Mr. Potty Mouth
MOJOJESTIC (adj.): a point of view or gracious gesture that effuses within a locale an aesthetic atmosphere that brings more joy than grief.listen
5508/01/10Mr. Potty Mouth
A DURABLE PROCESS phases phrases, concretely computes the steps sweeping generalizations, fatiguing fatuousness, instructing the intellect. listen
13207/29/10A Tempting Approaches to Rife Volition
[culinary musing]
(1) Dogs & Beans
(2) Clingy-Wingies
(3) Winter Pudding Summer Baked
(4) Rubbery Shrubbery Gag Quag
02307/23/10Fuming Industrial Strength
[anecdotal cooking]
Daddy shares with son the meaning of malodor.listen
5407/22/10Mr. Potty Mouth
PLAGIARIZING LIFE: cookie-cutting; role modeling; copycatting; history patterning; consensus building; demo marketing; gastronomy grouping.listen
5307/18/10Mr. Potty Mouth
LABOR OF LUBBER: on the surface, ignorance/simplicity is bliss, only when intel-complexes blister beneath--working tensions, grating nerves.listen
5207/14/10Mr. Potty Mouth
Preaching to the choir is much like antagonizing the advocate--difference being, choir sings harmoniously, whereas advocate whines off-key.listen
4607/12/1021st Century
Untitled Provenance
Poem from the collection Twenty-First Century:
(1) Untitled Provenance
5107/10/10Mr. Potty Mouth
HOLLYWOOD'S CANDID COMPETITION: what, with 'surveillance' cameras, only one take! 'Funniest' brings home contentment, regardless of return.listen
5007/05/10Mr. Potty Mouth
ON FOLLOWING AFTERTHOUGHTS: When passing time 'is' like passing gas, take actions that clear the air: mindfully less gutty--less polemical.listen
13107/04/10(Un)Conventional Americana
[culinary musing]
(1) Leaves of Soul Wrap
(2) Frittata in the Sense of Naan
(3) Senior Shoat Ribs
(4) Wok Stir Bowl Stew
(5) I Am Scup, House of Sparidae
4906/27/10Mr. Potty Mouth
HOME is not a sweetener--just a heart(less) (pipe) dream with(out) gatekeeping or picket fence. A HOUSE is any shelter from homely fancies.listen
13006/25/10Messy Meals #01
[culinary musing]
(1) Pick Out the Shells Stew [Chilled]
(2) Pig Slop Dip
(3) Trough Coulis Loaf
4506/22/1021st Century
The Different Deviants
Poem from the collection Twenty-First Century:
(1) The Different Deviants
4806/18/10Mr. Potty Mouth
REALITY is not 'reality'--just figments of thereness, of activities (de)limited by (per)missive references: emotive/cognitive experiences.listen
4406/14/1021st Century
Work Agency Digest
Poem from the collection Twenty-First Century:
(1) Work Agency Digest
4706/13/10Mr. Potty Mouth
ELECTIVE BENEFITS (buy/bestow): feeding candidate/commune, one (1) to many (1M); for policy/provision, $70M/$70 per sum invested/acquired.listen
12906/13/10Menu Magna Carta
[culinary musing]
(1) Topping Griddle Cakes
(2) Bit-by-Bit Fried and Fun Nutrition
(3) Organic Farm Parm [Posh Pomo Promo]
(4) Shrimp Egg and Shroom Young
(5) Clever Calling the Solution Tact
4606/10/10Mr. Potty Mouth
(RE)MODELING (RE)VENUE (RE)LEASE (RE)SOLVE (RE)CYCLE :RRRRR: [R&r] :rrrrr: reminiscent--render--reconciliation--renovate--replenishlisten
4506/05/10Mr. Potty Mouth
PLAUSIBLE is not a critic's clapping acknowledgment--just having enough credible information to confirm that the Nile 'is' a river in Egypt! listen
4405/31/10Mr. Potty Mouth
DISTINCTION is not a type of aroma therapy—just one of many methods for appraising moral and aesthetic benefits.listen
12805/30/10Liaison de Résistance
[culinary musing]
(1) Stirring Loquacious Pond
(2) Comment Allez-Vous Poulet-Pomme De Terre Ragoôt
(3) Bitter-Sweet Beef Mixup
(4) Majestic Belles-Casserole
4305/27/10Mr. Potty Mouth
MEMORY requires a s[t]imulant for getting an idea from a repository system (that composts ramblings forgotten) to feed an explicit appetite. listen
[culinary musing]
(1) Champ on This, Yo!
(2) Green EE-I-EE-I-Yo!
(3) Salad Got Game, Yo!

[What's with the sports metaphor?]
4205/20/10Mr. Potty Mouth
CONTEMPLATION: when out of fresh ideas, better not be rotten or a spoiler or moldy. Doing so leads to doing [  ]--just changes the subject. listen
4105/18/10Mr. Potty Mouth
VOTING: expressing someone's contempt is a lie; one's own, the truth. Electing/selecting, for self, is a [im]pl(a/[i])cation for repast. listen
4305/15/1021st Century
DISASTER RECOVERY: TransParen(t)cy Guidance
Poem from the collection Twenty-First Century:
(1) DISASTER RECOVERY: TransParen(t)cy Guidance
4005/12/10Mr. Potty Mouth
TO LUXURIATE is not to disambiguate the ethereal--'just' (a) 'matter' to have an 'other' folklore.listen 
12605/09/10RAY[MONDE]'S FARCES: Flights of Fancy
[culinary musing]
(1) Ray[monde]'s Beef & Noodles
(2) Ray[monde]'s Soup[e] [d']Appendage[s]
(3) Ray[monde]'s Mélange
3905/07/10Mr. Potty Mouth
PROBLEMATICS: a sense of future to fare-(thee)-well; the [in]verse ending to desperate measures; me(ta)tric(k)s, plots to time-out instance. listen
3804/29/10Mr. Potty Mouth
ON BEING A HOBBY ARTIST: creating out of Nature (happenstance necessitated by inexplicable forces) w/a deeper degree of interest, > a PhD. listen
3704/27/10Mr. Potty Mouth
When trying to make a point, try not to poke anyone--just dot the 'i'. Crossing the 't' is a whole other shtick. listen
02204/25/10The Meanderthal: Archeological Abstractions (or a type of graphical error)
[anecdotal cooking]
Ed romanticizes as to the origins of interpersonal relationships: (psychological) projection, appetite association [desire], and ego.listen
12504/19/10Agrarian Oceanic Alchemical Amalgam
[culinary musing]
(1) Rondo Combo Sonata Soup (An Introduction)
(2) Soft Chowder Combination Soup
(3) Combo Violation
(4) Smitten Slaw Combo Relish
(5) Lying Layers of Combo
(6) Chewing Combo Spooning Soup
(7) A Nutritionist's Combo: An Alternative to Late Night Popcorn with Butter and Salt
3604/18/10Mr. Potty Mouth
ONGOING GLOCAL: as distribution is web-enabled/flattened, nodes and ties to the harvest intricate organically as farmers network the market.listen
3504/16/10Mr. Potty Mouth
De jejune level is not a haughty term for a monthly meteorologic maturity--just a gray matter set between de facto and de jure perceptions.listen
3404/11/10Mr. Potty Mouth
eEGO is not the name of the latest energy-efficient godsend (motor vehicle), nor is an indicator of intelligence--just a kind of "holiness."listen
3304/09/10Mr. Potty Mouth
ART: primitive/proper rules portrayed w/in a modeled/shaped environment; a forlorn/festive display by participant(s) both in/out of control.listen
2804/07/10The Gab Hagglefest: Speed-Coaxing, Pressure-Pointing
[travel portrait]
In this two-part travel portrait, Ed and Eddie, father and son match wits as they banter for their own benefit--each working an angle for the consumer good.listen
part one
part two
3204/04/10Mr. Potty Mouth
ON AMENITIES (Tip/Question): Why does the cleaning of crud out of the ears require a leisurely stay at a luxury hotel? Self-consciousness?listen
3104/01/10Mr. Potty Mouth
MYSTERY OF EXISTENCE is neither what's next (future) nor what/when (past), but what/why (now): the combination of begetting with the gotten. listen
4203/28/1021st Century
Stasis Status in Stark Seclusion
Poem from the collection Twenty-First Century:
(1) Stasis Status in Stark Seclusion
3003/25/10Mr. Potty Mouth
COMPUTATION is not a sophisticated scheme for obtaining freebies, just an algorithm for trending figures as well as contextualizing memes. listen
2903/23/10Mr. Potty Mouth
If caught mumbling to yourself, do not say, "I'll call you back," if you aren't wearing an earset...neither use your thumb and pinky finger.listen
12403/20/10Feedback Ecology #04
(Mashup-Minded Impulses)

[culinary musing]
(1) Flip-Flop Flap Nest
(2) Cushy Crunchy Critters
(3) Smothered Clump-Nuggets
2803/18/10Mr. Potty Mouth
HUMAN imAGING: over the course of time, career and deeds are the indicators that give birthdays significance--only in the afterlife.listen
12303/14/10Feedback Ecology #03
(Winsome Loathsome)

[culinary musing]
(1) Flavors Favorite
(2) Curry Ed
(3) Soggy Soup
(4) Heaping Griddles
(5) Bogged Beef
2703/11/10Mr. Potty Mouth
POLITICALLY CORRECT ROLE REVERSAL (example): Gender Discrimination: Health Advisory: Social Commentary: Hormone replacement is a bitch!!!listen
2603/09/10Mr. Potty Mouth
ON DISCOURSE: the insouciant swashbuckling of sentences is more entertaining than the mincing of menacing words. listen
4103/07/1021st Century
Ethereal Material
Poem from the collection Twenty-First Century:
(1) Ethereal Material
2503/04/10Mr. Potty Mouth
OFF MOPING: a sorrow that matters only in the realm of bliss unreasoned; affluent sniveling--a sublime contagion that outlasts depression. listen
12202/28/10Enduring Convalescence
[culinary musing]
(1) A Mischief Mauve
(2) Angst Embodied in Parts
(3) Appetite Antagonized En Masse
(4) Attuned Tummy Turner
2402/26/10Mr. Potty Mouth
Speculating on blizzard conditions incorrectly is less disconcerting and troublesome than shoveling BS [bulky snow]. listen
2302/22/10Mr. Potty Mouth
When lending a hand to the one that will feed you, observe the bites are in proportion to the bio and econo: from the b[r]east to the feast.listen 
12102/21/10Ray[monde]'s Encompassing Region
[culinary musing]
(1) Axis Planar Plot Stew
(2) Impartial Lunch in Parts [west]
(3) Rotation Filler [east]
(4) Shrimp Moodle Soup [south]
(5) Mushroom and Rice Soup Dew [north]
2202/16/10Mr. Potty Mouth
CLASSIFICATION: When the “Samaritan” pays the Service, but forgets to thank the Samaritans--better to be fictitious or to have no class?  listen
2102/13/10Mr. Potty Mouth
LOVE & HATE: one hundred-forty characters in(put/to) the box: personalities; assembled/collected figures; (A/a)rt [un](fathom/forget)[able].listen
2002/10/10Mr. Potty Mouth
BORDERLINE OBNOXIOUSNESS: incessant adherence to a tenet potentially leading to tenetitis, an 'ergo'nomic symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome.listen
12002/07/10Feedback Ecology #02
(The Predominantly Diverse Community)
[culinary musing]
(1) Whetting Cup of Soup
(2) Challenged Childhood Essay
(3) Texfu Tomwich
(4) Broken Token Spiffed Soup
(5) Upstream Stew
(6) Solid-Sipping Consomme with Notalotah Liquid
1902/04/10Mr. Potty Mouth
MINDING THE OBVIOUS: When unconscious, the intellect mystifies meaning: what the brain is recording as trite or profound. (Say 'no' to duh!)listen
1802/02/10Mr. Potty Mouth
ON SELF-LOATHING: After successfully completing an intense project, before patting yourself on the back, make sure your hands are clean!listen
11901/30/10Feedback Ecology #01
[culinary musing]
(1) Faraway Subtle Noodle Soup
(2) Deliberation Commune Stews
(3) Coddling Contentment
1701/28/10Mr. Potty Mouth
Does embracing one's pain pangs make one a masochist? Does accepting one's chronic ailment make one sick?listen
1601/26/10Mr. Potty Mouth
Remedial information is not the latest lingo for issuing previously cycled content, just a primer for the extension of understanding.listen
1501/23/10Mr. Potty Mouth
CHEAPSKATING: When checking your grocery receipt immediately after purchase, try applying arithmetic skills.listen
01/23/10SILENT TALKIE: Six Degrees of Urban Planning (A Surveillance)
[sound shopping]

In this footage, Ed searches and wanders--tries to find and figure out what he wants for breakfast. He is loose and on the prowl. The location, a central business district.

Ed is confounded by the telecommuters' existence: stepping their way through the plaza to their office. Hoping to stumble upon sustenance, he hobbles, attempting to unscramble his inner voice.

Ed labors for this meal, gimping explicitly, as if he were fulfilling a gratuitous obligation. Be forewarned of this concept because Ed knows that he will not be able to tap-dance his way out of this one.

While the cat meows, the cougar roars.

1401/20/10Mr. Potty Mouth
So says Chagrin: A bit of champing is a bit like gnashing with exception to the teeth being ground when smiling bigly with glee. "Cheese!"listen
11801/17/10Blah Hullabaloo
[culinary musing]
(1) Ray[monde]'s Spaghetti Stew
(2) Oatmeal Smoothie [basic gravy]
(3) Swamped Soba
1301/16/10Mr. Potty Mouth
HOLIDAY: a celebration that is commenced willingly, that does not require leadership on any given calendar.listen
1201/14/10Mr. Potty Mouth
Insinuation is not a state of grace, just a subtle way of sharing moral values.listen
1101/13/10Mr. Potty Mouth
Looking back through a rearview mirror provides approximately 20% hindsight vision.listen
1001/12/10Mr. Potty Mouth
When driving stick-shift, off to a roaring start includes releasing the clutch while accelerating; otherwise you are going nowhere fast!listen
02101/11/10Twin PiningsEd discovers that personal painterly pictorial aesthetic relationships are a rare find.listen
0901/10/10Mr. Potty Mouth
When drawing conclusions, does one use graphite or inklisten
0801/07/10Mr. Potty Mouth
FINGER-POINTING CYCLE: Tedium--talking point; Ad Nauseum--tipping point; Spectrum--flattering point; Per Centum--got the point; Thumbs-uplisten
0701/07/10Mr. Potty Mouth
Shelving a [supra-]business project is not like [super-]market product placement because the former takes much less [prefixing] work???listen
0601/05/10Mr. Potty Mouth
Experience is only as real as time and distance--chomp and chew (ingested and digested), factoring in excursions to the loo.listen
0501/04/10Mr. Potty Mouth
After picking up take-out soup, and when driving in the car, be certain to properly secure the Pho in the booster seat.listen
11701/03/10Spherical Bite-Sized Broths
[culinary musing]
(1) Pearly Broth
(2) Bally Broth
0401/02/10Mr. Potty Mouth
Remember, yelling at the automated courtesy caller is like yelling at the TV.listen
0301/01/10Mr. Potty Mouth
NON-ADVICE: When purchasing impulsively, try not to think too much... You will stifle the ludicrous satisfaction.listen
Feel free to exercise thought by sending me an email regarding preparation nuances. You may eat easy when you eat ingredients. (Disclaimer)
Copyright © 2010 by Edward K. Brown II, All Rights Reserved