CULINARY MUSING 140: October 24, 2010 |
Delightful Frightful [listen]
In a Sauté Pan
- Curry Powder (floats)
- Filtered Water (simmers)
- Wheat Noodles [skinny linguini al dente] (softens)
[remove, saving the 'simmer']
In a Cast Iron Skillet
- Olive Oil (puddle)
- Celery and Onion (wide slivers)
- scorch crispy (exterior)
- keep crunchy (interior)
[remove, saving for later]
- Chicken Wings (tips clipped)
- White Wine Vinegar/Olive Oil
- Pestled Coriander Seeds
[Scrape pre-burn surface before adding a ladle of simmer,
even more until bubbling ripples; lower flame. Maintain
a shallow pool. Cover with lid. Tenderly stab wings, occasionally,
with a fork until bleeding has away stayed. Once cooked,
[Add noodles. Ladle simmer to sustain a viscous consistency.
Stir in celery and onion. Spill into skillet white wine
[Add wings. Toss/stir. Turn off heat. Cover. Wait until
tongue-tempered. Serve. Eat easy.]
Feel free to exercise
thought by sending me an email
regarding preparation nuances. You may eat easy when you eat ingredients.