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Mr. Potty Mouth
The words tweeted here are subconscious epigrams, nonsense disguised as aphorisms.
Mr. Potty Mouth Archive | EatIngredients Archive
revisited03/08/16Mr. Potty MouthThe Artist's Gaze mp4 video
327-33709/19/14Mr. Potty MouthON BEING SELF-: an abridged encyclopedic dictionary from the previous century has approx 175 prefaces listed, 900 unabridged; Selfie Top 10?listen
323-32608/20/14Mr. Potty MouthDISRUPTIVE PREOCCUPATIONS: attentiveness to civic change, the capital that sustains creativity; nostalgia, the innovator of charismatic hope listen
318-32207/24/14Mr. Potty MouthPOETRY VANE: overhead, the clouds cause the mind to machinate, set feint convictions for sleight appeasement from under the weather doldrums listen
314-31706/11/14Mr. Potty MouthART THAT ISN'T ART is art as art when art wasn't art--such is art, art that is horribly, wonderfully critiqued by those recorded as touched.listen
308-31305/01/14Mr. Potty MouthAS READ BY: interpretation from a set way of life & lifestyle perspectives, from an authenticity extrapolated/proposed via indigenous valueslisten
303-30704/03/14Mr. Potty MouthSALIENT DYNAMISM: inimical response to weather deemed anomic; personalization of natural, atmospheric elements that affect senses adversely.listen
299-30203/05/14Mr. Potty MouthRECEPTIVE DISENCHANTMENT: the mire following a caveat; implications conducive to maul viable/feasible proposals; of a contrarian pragmatist.listen
296-29802/05/14Mr. Potty MouthGRUMPINESS ON THE SLY: insight to the cynic who accentuates the positive, whose affiliates follow the sarcasm, posturing "Oh, how brilliant"listen
289-29512/29/13Mr. Potty MouthRENOWN CALIBRE: estimated by notable captivation and manufacture of distinct delivery; versions time kept, resistant to meticulous challengelisten
283-28811/29/13Mr. Potty MouthCURATORIAL INHERENCE: the empathy sustained during a critique of a selfie morphology using as a contextual measure idiomatic superfluousnesslisten
278-28211/01/13Mr. Potty MouthTHE QUERY saved words in a search phrase that provided a link to an extant memory in a legible format in a condition to document the thoughtlisten
273-27709/13/13Mr. Potty MouthFINALLY, if appropriation of texts and equations is a fraction of aggregate tomes of existential facts, algorithmic tautology is the ecologylisten
268-27209/11/13Mr. Potty MouthLINGER INANIMATED, focused, enamored, lost in imagination--few ever lift a index finger, evoked by the laurel, instigated,full-on excitementlisten
262-26709/08/13Mr. Potty MouthMEANINGFUL are the keen experiences that are also motifs as astounding as karma evoking a mentality that actualizes a kinsfolk enlightenmentlisten
256-26109/06/13Mr. Potty MouthWORD GAME: what goes awry is an idea only made to warp the mind, to make some feel like a fool in life, yet also wise--a turn to pass, fate.listen
252-25508/12/13Mr. Potty MouthA DREAM might be sabotaged if announced; kept secret, once exposed, manipulative in scope; the recurrence, deciphered as a vexing poignancy.listen
246-25107/31/13Mr. Potty MouthINTUITIVE SEMBLANCE: an assembly of figments from pointed opinions extended from facts which are not correctly envisioned in the mind's eye.listen
240-24506/30/13Mr. Potty MouthTRUCULENT SUCCULENT: the days were long, difficult to a degree--otherwise simple; shortly after, everyone had to leave town--our time, over.listen
235-23906/03/13Mr. Potty MouthTHE CLEVER: one cannot expect past incantations to espouse the future, yet the future must be reconciled w/ the lambasting past w/o derisionlisten
229-23405/07/13Mr. Potty MouthINDIFFERENT INSPECTION indicates indurate internal involvement; instances of inattentive indubitableness, including inevitably a indeed yes!listen
224-22803/01/13Mr. Potty MouthQUOTIDIAN MYSTIQUE: elemental aspects of symbolic importance in authenticating a narrative--dreams that hone fulfillment not interpretation.listen
219-223 01/01/13Mr. Potty MouthCONTEMPLATIVE DELUSION: the manipulation of legitimacy to formulate an obligation; abdicating investment thus the ability to negotiate onus.listen
215-218 12/02/12Mr. Potty MouthHIVE-MINDEDNESS is not the belief that one is morally/intellectually superior, just one's agnostic busy bee mentality for bettering society.listen
210-21411/05/12Mr. Potty MouthJOURNAL ENTRY: note thyself well to later acquire the wisdom of age; note to self, forget about it, you'll only feel very guilty in the end.listen
203-20909/30/12Mr. Potty MouthHEARD THAT BEFORE: if there is no pleasing someone, stop the onerous attempts--perhaps that one will be some what happier with the "defeat."listen
198-20209/03/12Mr. Potty MouthART NOTES from a lecture: narrate interpret critique illuminate performative speech answer calls question response verbalize w/o lips movinglisten
193-19708/01/12Mr. Potty MouthTELESMA EXPANSE: as the change withers that which is alluded are the works based on transformations reproduced into intellectual properties.listen
189-19207/02/12Mr. Potty MouthPASSERS BY PASSAGE--wondering wanderingly aiming aimlessly a disparate de l'esprit, an abject object held beholden to a figurative figurine.listen
184-18806/07/12Mr. Potty MouthREFERENCE BOOKS are most appreciated when digital search results provide only bits of information, not attuned logic in the form of answers.listen
178-18305/02/12Mr. Potty MouthTHE BEST KEPT secrets are those not advertised as such. How damning is the sharing and preserving of the heart-felt obvious without mention!listen
173-17704/01/12Mr. Potty MouthSTATURESQUE: from hunched shoulders to standing upright--having less to do with intelligence, more so with a posture to reach for the stars.listen
170-17203/04/12Mr. Potty MouthA TREE BRANCHES out to shelter the trunk going hollow, presenting an upright log--leaves draping low, shadily laying over a shadowy past...listen
164-16902/05/12Mr. Potty MouthINKLING: the aptitude to jot down an idea with no intent or desire to ponder or any inclination to elaborate upon the gist of the tiny note.listen
156-16312/31/11Mr. Potty MouthWHEN EVERY DAY IS XMAS (A Grump's [de]Tales): the riddance of manifold carbonic imprint; how this Miserable loves company--fight depression!listen
152-15511/27/11Mr. Potty MouthVOLATILE GAS BLOAT: polemical (dis)trust of gut reactions when the stomach is upset by the nervous intellect, fuming forces upon temperance. listen 
148-15110/09/11Mr. Potty Mouth.MEANS the dispersion the conveyance of policy with beginning--'sayer' JUSTIFIES 'sooth'--theory in law of permission the consent the ENDS. listen 
141-14709/06/11Mr. Potty Mouth[place] .COMPENSATION RECUPERATIVE: due pay gotten for memories and/or hunches if actual(ized) in theory: CONTEMPLATIVE COMPUTATION. [space] listen 
134-14008/09/11Mr. Potty MouthSUPERSTITION: an acerbity that is a proximal preference to a peripheral vehemence, disposing a trivial phobia towards vegetable nourishment. listen 
128-13307/10/11Mr. Potty MouthWhen suffering from EMPHASIS, keep in mind the essence of the thoughtfulness, check closely the passionate rationale--stay alert w/o doubt. listen 
121-12706/01/11Mr. Potty MouthDECISION FOSTERING is the planting of a (logic) tree, then being the "logger" who nurtures and protects the sapling, envisioning the forest. listen 
112-12005/04/11Mr. Potty MouthLIKELIHOOD: what the neighbor(s) think and feel will happen/go when two magnate minds (with preferential propositions) attract one another. listen 
107 - 11104/01/11Mr. Potty MouthA FLOURISH is most beneficial when the pollen brings forth a refreshing brood, especially when the offshoot sprouts an ecstatic problematic. listen 
100 - 10603/01/11Mr. Potty MouthTHE VILLAGER surmises virtue by one's complexion and candor as set in activities communally bound to an acumen augmented by victual reality.listen
89 - 9902/02/11Mr. Potty MouthTHE CULTURAL CONSULTANT SAYS: "The point of discovery determines the breakthrough of a technological platform & the destiny of retrospect."listen
83 - 8801/03/11Mr. Potty MouthIS A [B]LOG--a perturbance in time (a bump jarring notation) or a fated consequence (a blip indicating inclination)--a precursor to lumber? listen
73 - 8211/26/10Mr. Potty MouthTHANKSGIVING RELAXATION is not the taking of yet another pill--just the momentary comfort N knowing that a 2nd bowel movmnt isn't necessary. listen
67 - 7210/30/10Mr. Potty MouthUnlike the SHOCK of the new, a BLAST from the past does not prompt a nostalgia trip, just a pleasant reminder of the FUN(?!) not remembered. listen
62 - 6610/09/10Mr. Potty MouthA KITCHEN CONUNDRUM: from collecting cuisine parts to scraping the soiled dishes--a start that never finishes, a finish that never starts.listen
55 - 6109/02/10Mr. Potty Mouth"What's in store" is not a request for a list of available commercial sale items--just a question one asks after being sold: RAMIFICATIONS.listen
50 -5408/01/10Mr. Potty MouthPLAGIARIZING LIFE: cookie-cutting; role modeling; copycatting; history patterning; consensus building; demo marketing; gastronomy grouping.listen
45 - 4907/01/10Mr. Potty MouthHOME is not a sweetener--just a heart(less) (pipe) dream with(out) gatekeeping or picket fence. A HOUSE is any shelter from homely fancies.listen
39 - 4406/06/10Mr. Potty MouthDISTINCTION is not a type of aroma therapy—just one of many methods for appraising moral and aesthetic benefits.listen
31 - 3805/02/10Mr. Potty MouthON BEING A HOBBY ARTIST: creating out of Nature (happenstance necessitated by inexplicable forces) w/a deeper degree of interest, > a PhD.listen
22 - 3004/02/10Mr. Potty MouthCOMPUTATION is not a sophisticated scheme for obtaining freebies, just an algorithm for trending figures as well as contextualizing memes. listen
01 - 2104/01/10Mr. Potty MouthLOVE & HATE: one hundred-forty characters in(put/to) the box: personalities; assembled/collected figures; (A/a)rt [un](fathom/forget)[able].listen
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