Marble[wo]man Blog June 1-24, 2011 |
June 1, 2011
Pastry Forthwith Alacrity
I was awakened by a cat's calls, and shrill retorts from chirruping
feathered fowls. A breeze on my goose-pimpled skin chilled my grogginess
as the burr from the attic fan whirred, sucking in air through
the open sliding-glass door entranceway screened.
I was in the recreational room at my mother's house, reclining in
the massage lounge chair pensively: a daybreak rumination, contemplating
reciprocity not through the plasticity of manufacturing, but through
the placidity of manipulating with a recipe.
I stood up and stretched-tall, yawned, then ascended the stairs,
drifted down the hallway, flipped the fan switch off, and went double-back
to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator door to obtain my fixings,
then scoured the cupboard and spontaneously found supportive spicy
The calls and retorts (the clamor) that had summoned these sentences
had begun to fade as I searched for pots and pans, as I located
the utensils that would help me transcribe
this testimonial delicacy.
- Granny Smith/Rome Apples (grab bag) [peeled, cored,
roughly chopped]
- Anise Seed (sprinkles)
- Arrow Root
Lemon Juice
- Gloucester Cheese (chunky crumbles)
- Eggs (vigorously whisked)
- Streusel
- Brown Sugar
- Butter
- Walnuts (hand-crushed)
- Crust (optional)
Granny Smith/Rome
Apples with Lemon
- Apple Peels (oven-dried)
- Cherries (finger-pitted, candied)
- Walnuts (broken)
- Lemon (thinly sliced wedges)
- Bacon (crispy)
- Vanilla Frozen Yogurt
- Coffee (stark)
Cobbler, Potpourri
Bacon, Frozen Yogurt
Sunday, June 5, 2011
[A] Pathetic! [Not] Me... :-( || ;-)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
I awoke this morning on the couch, in front of my coffee-table wide-screen
laptop. The web page's embedded video player was prompting me with
the question, "Play Again?"
The movie was The
Bigamist, directed by Ida
After watching the movie
(last night), I could not help thinking about Maria
and Arnold, and their public situation. How eerily peculiar.
As the court hearings proceed, I wonder what their judgment will
be? How have the times changed? [Insightful moment.]
As I consider my own situation, how do I (will I) 'play again'?
This was my contemplation as I composed my complication.
with Mi Amore, I. (Mattina)
Spongy Croutons
- Butter (melted)
- Potato Roll (small, diced)
- Lemon Juice (fresh)
Olive Oil
Sole Fillet (fluffed)
Egg (whisked)
Scallion Stalk (sliced finely)
Tarragon (freshly minced)
Anchovy (chopped)
Fontina (slats)
Pasta Gravy (saucy halo)
Solo with Mi Amore, I (Mattina)
I ate my breakfast serenaded,
as I leisurely thumbed through magazine recipes. [NOTE: I scanned
my first QR
After the final bite ["Yum"], I listened to the first few
chapters of the audiobook
The Man Who Was Thursday by G.
K. Chesterton as I washed the dishes from this morning as well
as those that had accumulated during the week.
I downloaded
all of the chapters into my mp3 player so that I could continue
listening while bathing ["Clean the tub, man!"], and while
following through on my errand list at the markets.
["...and don't forget to buy some disinfectant cleanser--for
crud's sake!!!"]
For Crud's Sake!!!
Once back, I put away the groceries, and then prepared dinner.
Solo with Mi Amore, II. (Sera)
Chicken Breast (slices crosscut, seasoned)
- White pepper (powdering)
- Breadcrumbs (plain)
- Olive oil
Canola Oil (frying)
Solo with Mi Amore, II. (Sera)
Sea Salt
Apricot (blanched, pitted, pieces)
Basil (coarsely chopped)
Jalapeno (seedless circles)
Lite Cream
Red Bell Pepper (julienne)
Pecorino Romano (grated)
Solo with Mi Amore, II. (Sera)
I ate dinner quietly, trying to come up with a one-liner that would
witticize my day. From sunrise to sunset: two plates/two
faces [and
stop calling me Janus!!!]. |
June 15, 2011
The Heavy Lofty
I do not feel much like cooking these days. I am busy preparing
myself for surgery, which is occurring later this month. I am more
attuned to putting on weight (about ten pounds) as opposed to putting
on airs. Post operation, I am thinking that I will be on an intravenous
(liquid) and body fat diet for a while. Minus the potbelly with
overstretched abdomen muscles, I would say that I have a svelte
physique. I have the potential to emaciate very quickly.
To feast on myself properly, I will need to build body mass. To build such
mass, I have been eating cereal, pasta, rice, fruits, and meat, as well as bread
in the form of hoagies, pancakes (and sausage), peanut butter and jelly--chocolate
chip cookies.
I am putting together my post-op at home menu, which will consist of repeater
meals: pasta
sauce, cassoulet,
and quick fish
There may be some specialty dishes with kielbasa.
These meals will be portion-packaged and placed in the freezer for consumption
once back from the hospital,
during my extended
absence from work.
Here is a recipe that I might consider as a reputable repeater, reminding me
at the very least that I need some cheese and chops.
Inclusion Is Possible
-- Olive Oil
-- Shiitake Mushrooms (julienne, sauteed)
-- Pepperoncini (rings)
-- Strawberries (frozen, chopped)
Pork Knuckle Chop (skillet-grilled)
Olive Oil
Wheat Couscous
Mustard Oil
Cheese: Cheddar (cubed, microwaved)
Inclusion Is Possible
June 24, 2011
A Work's Progress
Is not a work in progress the purpose of aging?
This assessment concerning fortuitous time (quality of life) hit me on the
head like a brick--material or spiritual progress: physical/ethereal, visceral/intellectual,
weighty/lofty, fickle/wise, dense/intense...?
While I had not this question in mind when concocting this comfort food,
this recipe was the result of my concerns regarding the cure for my chronic
health situation. What treatment, the course of action I should progress, and
for what purpose. I needed to determine not only my own fortuity and quality,
but also for those with whom I wish to share the burden--to what level (density/intensity),
to what extent (proportionately)--before spoiling the experience.
The recipe that follows might add some insight as to how to work through progress--just
do not (repeat "do not") drop this confection from a multistory building
into a populated area comprised of people.
Breakfast Brick
Cantaloupe (food-processed)
Ricotta Cheese
Sour Cream
Flour (enriched)
Egg Yolks
Basil Leaf (minced)
Chia Seed
Flame Grapes (raisins mixed in)
Almond Butter (on the side)
Breakfast Brick