Lacking new revelations--
Tedium is the killer of creativity;
Predictable, mundanity limits the
Mental comings and goings.
Day by day, historical repetitions,
Legacies reincarnate: a straight
Line--more plod than plot; no
Twist--only an ellipsis dot, dot, dot.
Passive-aggressive criticism is
An antisocial interaction, a static
Flux, stagnant dynamism--the
Resultant of stale ideas.
Under such weathered duress, the
Stuffy defacement can be spewed
As would drivel from a saline
Rinse: post-gargle/nasal flush.
There is no hurry, no rush; a
Furry-throaty 'ahem' spares an
Eloquent response to the adage,
"Starve a fever, feed a cold."